A Not OK Corral

On my family’s continuing journey to map the United States with our brown Oldsmobile station wagon, I learned many things. It was more than just the names and places, but outside of the confines of our hometown, I realized lessons of life, people and my parents that echo through my daily life even today. InContinue reading “A Not OK Corral”

The First Encounter

Author’s Note: This is an exerpt from An Emerald Homecoming, an upcoming novel from A Timeless American Historical Romance Series. Each day Jackie biked to the beach alone. She sat on the sand, gazing into the infinite golden horizon, searching for the meaning of what happened with her parents’ death by looking into the cloudsContinue reading “The First Encounter”

I Hate Green Beans!

As a kid, I had a very strict rule. I didn’t eat anything green. I was a finicky eater at best, but I just hated the awful taste in my mouth. And to make matters worse, my mother wasn’t a cook. She put everything on the table as best as she could, unfortunately, that meantContinue reading “I Hate Green Beans!”

Mira filled another empty cardboard box, labeled it clothes and heaped it on the lowest pile among a forest of stacks.   For a week, she had been cleaning out the home of a lonely woman who passed away without any family or friends. Boxing up the kitchenware, clothing and personal belongings of this mystery woman,Continue reading

White Picket Fence

Sandy was tired of her world. Drudging to the overworked menial office job she hated left her little time for a life. And more and more her friends peeled off after getting married and having kids, leaving her alone on her hellish daily treadmill.  The nightmare of dating became an endless game of Duck, Duck, Goose. She’d meet someone at work, in lineContinue reading “White Picket Fence”

Darkness Within

The dark sky loomed, relentlessly following every step, blocking every turn. I never thought I could feel so powerless.  How could the world twist so out of control that it would target my child? I’ve always trailed my own unconventional path, but I can’t imagine what it feels like to be trapped in your ownContinue reading “Darkness Within”

Failure to Communicate

A few hours into her rem cycle, Norah tossed and turned in her dream. It started with she and her husband sitting across the dinner table. “Carol told me we can get together sometime next week. Can you talk to Bob and make arrangements when you golf today?” Norah asked. He responded in a mumbleContinue reading “Failure to Communicate”


Sarah and her friend Lauren sat in the backseat giggling while showing each other funny memes and fashion dos and don’ts on their phones. Sarah’s, brother Lucas sat next to them with his earbuds tuned to his favorite music, trying to avoid boredom on this long ride. Their moms, Chloe and Elise were perched inContinue reading “Compromise”

Wolves vs. Sheep

Author’s Note: This story is an excerpt from a work in progress, Summer of Love, the 3rd book in the Timeless American Historical Romance Series of the saga of the McIntyre family as each of their members experience important historical events woven in with their story of love and discovery. On their lunch half hour,Continue reading “Wolves vs. Sheep”

The Phone Number

Cleaning out someone’s house after they pass is filled with memories, regrets and sometimes surprises. After their mother’s passing at the ripe old age of 99, Carolyn and Mike agreed to stay in his childhood house and help his sister Erin and her husband Steve sort through the house before the sale closing. “It’s reallyContinue reading “The Phone Number”